Obama, the US and 5 Million Deaths in The Congo The Real News Network 13:48 13 years ago 66 759 Далее Скачать
The Obama Law (PL 109-456), DR Congo Relief, Security, and Democracy Promotion Act of 2006 Friends of the Congo 1:36 14 years ago 2 670 Далее Скачать
Trump accuses DRC of bringing people from prison to the US VOA Africa 0:27 6 months ago 17 353 Далее Скачать
Congo: Louzolo Amour church members drink beer to 'cast demons' africanews 1:49 7 years ago 12 950 Далее Скачать
US PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA ON DRC AT A PRESS CONFERENCE IN TANZANIA Ikulu Tanzania 4:57 11 years ago 2 029 Далее Скачать
It’s Worsening! The Congo War Explained & Why It’s Not Stopping! We Love Africa 12:13 10 months ago 99 213 Далее Скачать